Talking Therapies
CBT & EMDR Online
Important Disclaimer
This is NOT a Crisis Service
If you require urgent support for your mental health, please use one of the following resources:
For the UK
Contact Your GP: Telephone your GP surgery or out-of-hours service
Call 111
Samaritans: Call the Samaritans (24/7 service) at 116 123.
Shout: Text Shout (24/7 service) at 85258.
Emergency Services: Attend your local A&E or dial 999.
Confidentiality and Limits
Signed the confidentiality form, conversations in therapy are confidential, except in very specific circumstances.
There is a number of situations in which a clinician may need to break confidentiality if there is a considerable threat to present or future safety (duty of care) or when legally required to report concerns to authorities. These situations include:
Self-Harm or Suicide risk: If you are at risk of harming yourself or take your own life.
Harm to Others: If you give information about a serious crime, are at risk to harm or take the life of another person, or past significant harm to others.
Abuse or neglect: abuse or neglect of a child or a vulnerable adult (someone over age 18 who is hospitalized or made vulnerable by a disability) from someone.
Inability to Self-Care: Being unable to safely care for yourself.
Under Court Order to release information or notes about your care.
For further information, please read our treatment and confidentiality form.